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Print Books

Print books are the oldest and most popular form of books for almost all categories of readers, ranging from the children to the aged. Hence, heritage India books, does give a special preference to these print books on various subjects and occupational fields. The heritage trust, delhi, has been rather famous for publishing and selling highly qualitative print books of varying sizes, and on various educational and professional fields. Moreover, the prices of these print books and booklets are just reasonable and competitive, to be easily affordable to all categories of readers. Again, these heritage india print books have been written by highly erudite professors, research scholars, technical and non-technical professionals in various fields, and well-experienced school teachers. The shipping charges of these heritage books are also fully rational and moderate. Lastly, publishers as well as sellers of print books on various subjects and fields (both technical and non-technical) are cordially invited to get them listed with us, to promote themselves and their qualitative and creative books.