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Draft Master Plan for Delhi 2041 - Print Book

RS 792
  • Publisher : Society for Fundamental Research and Development
  • Author : Delhi Development Authority
  • Format : Paperback | 492 pages
  • Dimensions : A4
  • Language : English
  • Publication City/Country : New Delhi, India
  • Type : Print Book
  • Availability : In Stock

Proposed by the delhi development authority and published by the society for fundamental research and development, this precious print book is also available with the famous heritage india books to help the interested readers. This print book gives valuable information about future urban developments in delhi to accommodate its massive and ever-growing population. Besides the developments in the urban infrastructure, the real estate developments are also guided by this sumptuous and worth-reading print book. The heritage-books is proud to give informational support to the inquisitive readers regarding this draft master plan for delhi 2041.

Proposed by the delhi development authority and published by the society for fundamental research and development, this precious print book is also available with the famous heritage india books to help the interested readers. This print book gives valuable information about future urban developments in delhi to accommodate its massive and ever-growing population. Besides the developments in the urban infrastructure, the real estate developments are also guided by this sumptuous and worth-reading print book. The heritage-books is proud to give informational support to the inquisitive readers regarding this draft master plan for delhi 2041.

Society for Fundamental Research and Development

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